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BEAT THE HEAT with the help of cool diet

We should consume fresh fruits and vegetables or seasonal fruits in summer .  :- Drink 8 glass of water daily (at least).And if you are not able to do that then you should change your diet plan and add some things which are helpful to hydrate your body. : Coolness From Seasonal Fruits-  Hot sun and heat may damage your body .Dehydration ,skin burn, tiredness etc. are the main problems of this season .To stay away from these you should consume seasonal fruits and vegetables. In summer , we need such food which are helpful to maintain our energy level.In seasonal fruits and vegetables vitamins, minerals,enzymes,antioxidants and phytochemicals are present, naturally they clean our body and also develop healing capacity. Include these things in your diet:- 1.Yogurt/curd and fruits:- It is the best option for our breakfast.High liquid quantity fruits help to maintain our fluid level at normal which is always decreasing with sweat.Curd is beneficial to our health.It conta

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